
Twitter Shadowban: What Is It and How to Remove It

Suddenly you notice that none of your Twitter posts seems to be showing up at all: no likes, no retweets, no traffic, and conversions from Twitter. You might be dealing with a Twitter shadowban. This term has been popping up very often in recent times, but you may have heard other as stealth or ghost banning. It’s unpleasant and unprofitable for business accounts.

突然间,您注意到您的 Twitter 帖子似乎根本没有出现:没有喜欢、没有转发、没有流量和来自 Twitter 的转化。 您可能正在处理 Twitter shadowban。 这个词最近经常出现,但你可能听说过其他的隐身或幽灵禁令。 对于企业帐户来说,这令人不快且无利可图。

Shadowbanning means that your posts or activity are blocked and don’t show up on a site, but you haven’t received any official ban or notification about it.

Twitter censuring and their AI technology will hide or ban your posts from your subscribers and the whole Twitter community. When Twitter discovers you’ve been spamming or break the rules of their policies, you receive a shadowban. If you’ve been shadowbanned by Twitter, your posts will disappear from Twitter feed and search results. So that users can’t engage with your tweets.

It’s a way to let spammers keep on to spam without anyone else in the community (or outside of it) noticing what they post. That way, other Twitter users don’t endure spam because they can’t see it. The spammer won’t immediately stop his work and start to find ways to bypass the ban, because they don’t even realize they’ve been blocked.

It started in March of 2018 when Twitter began changing its policy in the direction of “serving healthy conversations.” Primarily, they wanted to deal with the problem of “trolls” and their abuse of Twitter’s users, specifically the cases that “distort and detract from the public conversation.”

With that in mind, they pitched their new policies.

There are three kinds of shadowbanning on Twitter:

  • With the so-called Thread shadowbans, Twitter limits other users from seeing your comments to tweets.
  • Under Search Suggestion shadowbans Twitter blocks others from seeing your profile in the search results.
  • Under Search ban, Twitter bans all your tweets (or just the recent ones) from the search results, even if it includes the exact search words used.


Twitter 谴责和他们的人工智能技术将隐藏或禁止你的订阅者和整个 Twitter 社区的帖子。当 Twitter 发现你一直在发送垃圾邮件或违反他们的政策规则时,你会收到影子禁令。如果您已被 Twitter 屏蔽,您的帖子将从 Twitter 提要和搜索结果中消失。这样用户就无法与您的推文互动。

这是一种让垃圾邮件发送者继续发送垃圾邮件的方法,而社区(或社区之外)的任何其他人都不会注意到他们发布的内容。这样一来,其他 Twitter 用户就不会因为看不到垃圾邮件而忍受垃圾邮件。垃圾邮件发送者不会立即停止他的工作并开始寻找绕过禁令的方法,因为他们甚至没有意识到自己已被阻止。

它始于 2018 年 3 月,当时 Twitter 开始朝着“服务健康对话”的方向改变其政策。首先,他们想解决“喷子”问题以及他们对 Twitter 用户的滥用,特别是那些“扭曲和偏离公众对话”的案例。



  • 借助所谓的 Thread shadowbans,Twitter 限制其他用户查看您对推文的评论。
  • 在 Search Suggestion shadowbans 下,Twitter 会阻止其他人在搜索结果中看到您的个人资料。
  • 在搜索禁令下,Twitter 会从搜索结果中禁止您的所有推文(或只是最近的推文),即使它包含使用的确切搜索词。

I bet, you have only one question right now: Do I have a Twitter shadowban?

The rules of the shadowban are unclear. Officially, Twitter insists that it doesn’t shadowban users, but you’ll find bloggers and Twitter users that will tell you the opposite. Nevertheless, any form of decreased engagement is a reason to bother and doublecheck.

The process of a shadowban test is easy and fast. There is the main signal that can help you show if you’re shadowbanned on Twitter. The principal sign is when you notice a significant drop in an engagement at your account — one that caused all interactions down to zero. Then it’s right to presume there may be a ban. If everything seems to be usual, you can still use the following tool to check your and others’ accounts for shadowbans.

This Twitter shadowban check is a test to see if your Twitter is shadowbanned. You have to type in your username and press “check.” It will start a search and pay you back with its conclusion. If no shadowban was used against your account, you can keep on your tweeting as you normally would and think about other reasons for the low engagement rate. If you have found one, you can break it down by category.

On this website, you can also read about the different types of bans. First that you can find there, it’s the search and searches suggestion bans that block you from appearing in suggestions and browsing. The second one is the reply ban may hide your replies on certain tweets. The last is the ghost ban, which hides every trace of your activity.

Another way for the Twitter shadowban test is by logging out of your account, then performing a quick search for your username on Twitter:

  • Log out from the Twitter account or open an incognito tab in your web browser.
  • Go to the Twitter Explore page: www.twitter.com/explore
  • Navigate to the search box and type “from: username”. Replace the “username” with your Twitter username.

If you can’t see your tweets on the feed or can’t see your recent posts, it’s clear – you’ve been shadowbanned.

我敢打赌,你现在只有一个问题:我有 Twitter shadowban 吗?

影子禁令的规则尚不清楚。 Twitter 官方坚称它不会屏蔽用户,但你会发现博主和 Twitter 用户会告诉你相反的情况。然而,任何形式的参与度下降都是打扰和仔细检查的理由。

shadowban 测试的过程既简单又快速。有一个主要信号可以帮助您显示您是否在 Twitter 上被屏蔽。主要迹象是当您注意到您的帐户的参与度显着下降时 - 导致所有互动降至零。那么假设可能会有禁令是正确的。如果一切正常,您仍然可以使用以下工具检查您和其他人的帐户是否有影子禁令。

此 Twitter 影子禁令检查是一项测试,以查看您的 Twitter 是否被影子禁令。您必须输入您的用户名并按“检查”。它会开始搜索并用它的结论回报你。如果没有对您的帐户使用影子禁令,您可以像往常一样继续发推文,并考虑参与率低的其他原因。如果你找到了一个,你可以按类别分解它。


Twitter shadowban 测试的另一种方法是注销您的帐户,然后在 Twitter 上快速搜索您的用户名:

  • 从 Twitter 帐户注销或在 Web 浏览器中打开隐身标签。
  • 转到 Twitter 探索页面:www.twitter.com/explore
  • 导航到搜索框并输入“来自:用户名”。将“用户名”替换为您的 Twitter 用户名。


The most significant part of how the Shadowban Penalty gets activated is your interaction with other accounts. Some of the mistakes that might lead a shadowban to contain:

  • You didn’t confirm your email
  • The account is new. Accounts that we created less than one year ago are more likely to get banned in complex with any of the other signals.
  • You didn’t upload a profile image.
  • Using the same text or pictures to reply to other posts on multiple pages.
  • Using automation services and tools to leave the same comments to other tweets.
  • Having less than 500 followers.
  • Having unnatural Follower/Following Ratio: pages with a higher Followers/Following ratio escape with more.
  • Inverted Follower/Following Ratio: accounts that are following more than the followers’ number are much more likely to be punished by the Shadowban Penalty.
  • Who you follow and retweet matters.
  • Who mutes, follows, retweets, and blocks you matter.
  • Fast tweeting, or “spamming.”
  • Use highly generic and not actual hashtags into your tweets, especially those that push contests or giveaways. It’s a much better idea to create something unique for your brand.
  • Using words that are considered aggressive, confrontational, or demeaning. Often, this is the main trigger, with the other reasons influencing the level of this aggressive language you can get away with before actually being banned.

Don’t spam people and don’t promote too much. When you’re trying to sell a product or service and talking too much about it in your tweets, other users might block your content, triggering a shadowban on your account.

You should also avoid trolling, getting into an online confrontation, or being too aggressive and emotional in your posts and comments. You can force people to mute or block you.

But sometimes the reasons to be banned are not so obvious and are not listed in the table above. That’s why it’s better to think in advance and take some actions before you disappear in users’ feeds. And my hint to avoid a Twitter shadowban is to get verified on Twitter and receive a blue checkmark badge next to your name. Being Twitter verified, you are safe from shadowban penalties. And there are more significant business/brand advantages to being Twitter verified even (especially) if you are not famous.

Shadowban Penalty 如何激活的最重要部分是您与其他帐户的互动。一些可能导致影子禁令包含的错误:

  • 您没有确认您的电子邮件
  • 帐户是新的。我们在不到一年前创建的帐户更有可能与任何其他信号一起被禁止。
  • 您没有上传个人资料图片。
  • 使用相同的文字或图片在多个页面上回复其他帖子。
  • 使用自动化服务和工具给其他推文留下相同的评论。
  • 拥有少于 500 个关注者。
  • 拥有不自然的追随者/追随者比率:具有较高追随者/追随者比率的页面逃逸得更多。
  • 反向追随者/追随者比率:追随者数量超过追随者数量的帐户更有可能受到Shadowban Penalty的惩罚。
  • 您关注和转发的人很重要。
  • 谁静音、关注、转发和屏蔽你很重要。
  • 快速推文或“垃圾邮件”。
  • 在您的推文中使用高度通用而非实际的主题标签,尤其是那些推动竞赛或赠品的。为您的品牌创造独特的东西是一个更好的主意。
  • 使用被认为具有攻击性、对抗性或贬低性的词语。通常,这是主要触发因素,其他原因会影响您在实际被禁止之前可以摆脱的这种攻击性语言的水平。



但有时被禁止的原因并不那么明显,也没有在上表中列出。这就是为什么在您消失在用户的信息流中之前,最好提前思考并采取一些行动。我避免 Twitter 影子禁令的提示是在 Twitter 上进行验证,并在你的名字旁边收到一个蓝色复选标记徽章。通过 Twitter 验证,您可以免受影子禁令处罚。即使(尤其是)你不知名,通过 Twitter 验证也有更显着的商业/品牌优势。

Fortunately, lifting a shadowban doesn’t take long. In most cases, Twitter stops being invisible within 48-72 hours. And according to experience, it’s best to leave your account alone until that point. There’s no way to petition or stop a shadowban once you got it, and twitting more during that time can lead you to another ban once the initial one has ended. That means that you can have a new ban every day, leaving your posts invisible for a longer period.

However, your profile is blocked longer than that period, you can contact Twitter to see if its support team can help you with it.

Once the ban is lifted, you can make some actions to ensure it doesn’t happen again. You have to keep in mind Twitter organizes users’ feeds with popular and relevant content. It wants to provide you with content that it thinks you’ll engage with the most, and on the contrary – to hide posts that it considers spam, harmful or violent. Ways to Remove Shadowban:

  • It’s very important that once you are Shadowbanned, you need to completely stop Tweeting.
  • A few days later naturally go about your feed, meaning don’t repeat tweets or use bots and apps to increase your followers, retweets or likes.
  • Stop all automated posts and remove spam links or spammy Tweets from your account. Consider it as a “reset button” for your Twitter profile.
  • Also, you may be suspected because of your “wrong” interests for Twitter’s team, so try to remove all of them:


Settings and Privacy → Privacy and safety → See Twitter data → Interest and add data → Interests from Twitter → Interested in

Then Uncheck all the boxes, try to do this every week.

  • Getting in touch with the Twitter support team is worth trying. Some people got unbanned reporting the problem. Some people got a response fairly quickly from Twitter. Some people said to support that they want to launch an ad campaign on Twitter 😉
  • Get BlueCheckMark Immunity: I have never seen a BlueCheckMark account get Shadowbanned, it’s very likely they are immune to the Shadowban Penalty.

幸运的是,解除影子禁令并不需要很长时间。在大多数情况下,Twitter 会在 48-72 小时内停止隐身。根据经验,在此之前最好不要使用您的帐户。一旦你获得了影子禁令,就没有办法申请或停止它,并且在此期间更多地推文可能会导致你在最初的禁令结束后再次进入另一个禁令。这意味着您可以每天都有新的禁令,让您的帖子在较长时间内不可见。

但是,您的个人资料被阻止的时间超过了该期限,您可以联系 Twitter 以查看其支持团队是否可以帮助您。

禁令解除后,您可以采取一些措施来确保它不会再次发生。你必须记住 Twitter 用流行和相关的内容组织用户的提要。它希望为您提供它认为您会参与最多的内容,相反,它希望隐藏它认为是垃圾邮件、有害或暴力的帖子。 删除Shadowban的方法:

  • 非常重要的是,一旦你被暗影禁止,你需要完全停止发推文。
  • 几天后,你的信息流自然而然地开始了,这意味着不要重复推文或使用机器人和应用程序来增加你的追随者、转发或喜欢。
  • 停止所有自动发布并从您的帐户中删除垃圾链接或垃圾推文。将其视为您 Twitter 个人资料的“重置按钮”。
  • 此外,您可能会因为您对 Twitter 团队的“错误”兴趣而受到怀疑,因此请尝试将其全部删除:


设置和隐私 → 隐私和安全 → 查看 Twitter 数据 → 兴趣和添加数据 → 来自 Twitter 的兴趣 → 感兴趣


  • 与 Twitter 支持团队取得联系值得一试。有些人得到了不受限制的报告问题。有些人很快就从推特上得到了回应。有人说支持他们想在推特上发起广告活动😉
  • 获得 BlueCheckMark Immunity:我从未见过 BlueCheckMark 帐户被 Shadowbanned,很可能他们不受 Shadowban Penalty 的影响。

A shadowban can be disappointing, especially if you don’t feel that it’s fair. You may disagree with the Twitter algorithm about what is or isn’t relevant, or maybe your constructive debate was confused by Twitter AI technology with trolling.

However, I hope the tips in this post will help you avoid being shadowbanned in the future, so your post could get better engagement and growth.

What other methods can help Twitter users in case they’ve been shadowbanned? Do you have experience with Twitter bans? Let me know in the comments.

影子禁令可能会令人失望,尤其是当你觉得它不公平的时候。 你可能不同意 Twitter 算法关于什么是相关的或不相关的,或者你的建设性辩论可能被 Twitter AI 技术与拖钓混淆了。


如果 Twitter 用户被屏蔽,还有哪些其他方法可以帮助他们? 你有 Twitter 禁令的经验吗? 在评论中告诉我。

If you realize that you’ve got a shadowban, you can take some steps to fix it. But usually, shadowbans don’t last a long time — two-three days is average.

If you completely stop tweeting, the Shadowban Penalty will usually )disappear in 48 hours (this changed around January 15, 2019), but sometimes it may take to 5 days. If you continue tweeting aggressively, you will extend the length of time the Shadowban Penalty, which restricts access to your tweets. You can trip up the Shadowban Penalty every day, so that it’s never lifted, and no one will ever see a single one of your tweets.

如果你意识到你有一个影子禁令,你可以采取一些措施来修复它。 但通常情况下,影子禁令不会持续很长时间——平均为两三天。

如果您完全停止发推文,Shadowban Penalty 通常会在 48 小时内消失(这在 2019 年 1 月 15 日左右发生了变化),但有时可能需要 5 天。 如果您继续积极发推文,您将延长 Shadowban Penalty 的时间长度,这会限制您访问推文。 你可以每天都触犯Shadowban Penalty,这样它就永远不会被解除,而且没有人会看到你的一条推文。

Shadowbanning was originally introduced as a technique on chat forums rather than banning people outright – a neat way to silence a troll or spammer without them realizing it!

Even though both Twitter and Instagram refuse to confirm that they’re ‘shadowbanning’, they are restraining spammers, trolls, and bots. Both social media networks want users to post relevant and interesting content that gets engagement. Unfortunately, a large percentage of posts and tweets are spam or automated. That’s why Twitter and Instagram are forced to develop and apply algorithms and AI techniques to eliminate this type of content – and often, bloggers are falling into this trap because of their repetitive actions. There is also a suspicion that shadowbanning may be used to hide some political tweets.

Shadowbanning 最初是作为聊天论坛上的一种技术引入的,而不是直接禁止人们 - 一种在他们没有意识到的情况下让巨魔或垃圾邮件发送者沉默的巧妙方法!

尽管 Twitter 和 Instagram 都拒绝确认他们正在“屏蔽”,但他们正在限制垃圾邮件发送者、巨魔和机器人。 两个社交媒体网络都希望用户发布相关且有趣的内容,从而获得参与度。 不幸的是,大部分帖子和推文都是垃圾邮件或自动化的。 这就是为什么 Twitter 和 Instagram 被迫开发和应用算法和人工智能技术来消除这类内容的原因——而且,博主经常因为他们的重复行为而落入这个陷阱。 还有人怀疑影子禁令可能被用来隐藏一些政治推文。

The best decision is to leave your account alone for 2-3 days. There’s no way to appeal or end a shadowban once it’s started, and posting more activity during that time can lead to yet another ban once the initial one has ended. That means that you can trigger a new ban every day, leaving your tweets invisible until you let your account have its cool down.

It will be also helpful to remove your interests in Twitter Settings, contact the Twitter support team, and get BlueCheckMark Immunity.

最好的决定是将您的帐户单独放置 2-3 天。 一旦影子禁令开始,就无法上诉或终止,在此期间发布更多活动可能会在最初的禁令结束后导致再次禁令。 这意味着您可以每天触发新的禁令,让您的推文不可见,直到您的帐户冷却下来。

删除您在 Twitter 设置中的兴趣、联系 Twitter 支持团队并获得 BlueCheckMark Immunity 也将很有帮助。

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